Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog Stage Four

This editorial on the blog The Burnt Orange Report by Ben Sherman is concerned with the SAT score drop in Texas and what this means about the Texas education system.  He finds this to not be surprising because of the 2011 budget cuts. Sherman notes that Rick Perry recently praised the higher SAT participation rates and that this is because of the increase in the Hispanic and African American population in Texas.  He points out that the quantity of students taking the test doesn’t matter, but the quality of their education matters more, obviously.  The poorer SAT scores show that the quality of education is decreasing.  He points out that the draining of the education system’s funds is the culprit.  In addition to the SAT scores, Sherman points out something even scarier, that only forty-seven of Texas school students are prepared for college when they graduate.  He says that by failing our children we are failing our state and believes that a new Legislature needs to be elected. 
Since I am very much into education, so I totally agree with these statements. Sherman is arguing for a change in the educational system of Texas to better prepare them for college. I believe that his audience is parents, teachers, students, and legislators.  I read his biography and found out that he was Communications Coordinator for the Bill White gubernatorial campaign.  So, I believe this gives him some kind of credibility since he has worked directly in politics.  He backs up his information with facts and figures that make his argument more credible.
The purpose of his commentary is to convince electors and legislators that there is a deficit in the Texas educational system that has been caused by an increase in students and a decrease in funding.  Not only are the SAT scores bad, but also students are less prepared for college if they do get through high school.  This shows that these students might not just be bad test takers, but that they are simply undereducated.  I believe this commentary was written to open up the eyes of the people involved in education so that they can understand the situation of the educational system.  If they understand what current state the system is in now, and if they don’t like it, then they can vote for legislators who will work in accordance with their beliefs of education.
I must say that adding money into the system won’t cure all of the problems in Texas public education.  Legislators and school districts should be held accountable for what programs the money goes to. There must be a way to motivate parents to become more involved in their children’s academic life.  If this cannot be achieved, there has to be a program to get students more involved in their education, which would involve an increase in funding.  This program should motivate, guide, and give academic support.  Having a supportive network of people around will encourage students to strive to do better academically.  

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