Friday, November 30, 2012

Dexter the Texter!

In response to John's post against texting and driving and the bill against it: 

John's post addresses the issue about the danger of texting and driving. This is a serious issue and is a leading cause for many accidents. I liked how John pointed out that "Dexter the Texter" was sending a meaningless text, because I believe that many texts are meaningless and are not worth risking the lives of others. To build his credibility, John quotes Representative Craddick's viewpoint on texting and driving and why HB 63 was filed, a bill against texting and driving. I agree with Craddick when he says that banning texting and driving will help save lives. I must admit that I have been involved in a fender bender because of me texting, but after that I quickly learned my lesson. I thought, what if it was not just a little accident and I had actually injured someone? How could I live on knowing that I had taken away someone's life because I "had" to send that meaningless text? John also tells of two very realistic scenarios in which someone could be seriously injured due to texting and driving to drive home his point.  I believe people will not do the right thing and stop texting and driving if there is no punishment involved, because facts have not deterred people from texting and driving. Sadly, I believe force may be the only successful way to make people stop this behavior. 

Here is a link to AT&T's "The Last Text" documentary, which is a powerful account of how people's lives have changed for the worst because of texting and driving.  I immediately thought of this video after I read John's post and believe that it shows just how dangerous this act can be.

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