Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blog Stage Five

In this article, it states that Austin, Texas has announced that it supports marriage equality.  I am very proud of my city for finally declaring its support for same sex marriage.  I believe that everyone has the right to love whomever they want, regardless of their gender.  I cannot wait for more conservative Texas towns to start showing their acceptance of same sex marriage, and then maybe one day Texas could allow gay marriage.  It will be a long uphill battle, but I feel that people are becoming more and more supportive of same sex marriage, especially the younger generation.
It just seems natural in our society for a straight couple to be married if they love each other. So why are we depriving people, people who share the same feelings for each other as a straight couple, the same right. I have many close gay friends who are in monogamous, loving relationships and they act just like straight couples do, except they are the same gender. 
It may seem unnatural for a man to date a man or for a woman to date a woman in the eyes of straight people, and some people even believe that gay people “choose” to be that way.  Yet, when I have asked my friends about their sexuality, they believed they always had felt different, even from a young age.  Their attraction to the same sex seems to be something inherent, and many say that if they could choose their sexuality, they would choose to be straight and fit in with everyone else.  I feel like a way to show these people that they fit in with our society is to recognize the legitimacy of their relationships via marriage.
Plus, how does giving two people who love each other the right to have a legally recognized relationship hurt others? It doesn’t mean that people will all the sudden push for the right to marry their animals or to have multiple wives, that is just another illogical argument against same sex marriage. 
I do not understand why this is still an issue today.  The pros outweigh the cons a hundred times over. I agree with what Mayor Leffingwell said in her prepared statement last month, “The tide is changing in America and I hope… our city can play a significant role in helping set us on a path to full marriage equality in our country in my lifetime.” 


  1. Your blogg posting is very moving and heart felt. As a proud gay man I feel the same about this wonderful City of Austin who feels that everyone is entitled to equal protection. A city that doesn't care if you are gay or straight. If you love someone enough to spend the rest of your life with them then you should be able to have the same rights and protections.
    We all know that Texas is a conservative state. It will be a few years to come before everyone sees that love is love. As people grow up the old generation will pass away and the new generation will take ground. It is happening now as we speak.
    It shouldn't be an issue any longer of marriage equality but it is an issue. Only strong voices like yours will make a differance. I salute you oh fellow blogger. I also support you in your convictions.

  2. The issue that people have with same-sex marriage is definitely hard to understand for some, and the fact that it is pointed out here is very genuine- in my opinion. I think it takes a lot for people- especially living in the Conservative state of Texas- to be accepting of those who are attracted to the same sex. Like you, I feel that the desire to marry is not something that carries rules behind it. Love is something to cherish, no matter who that bond is created with.
    That being said, I also feel that your argument could have been made stronger. Yes, your opinion is clear and understood, but what about the other side of the coin? People who oppose same-sex marriage have a say and an opinion just like you or I- does that opinion matter to you? These questions cross my mind. This brings me to want to look into the subject and explore the strong opinion of others. It makes me want to perhaps ask others personally. Austin is a very liberal city, which is why the topic interests me.
    I like that this article compels me to do research on my own, and I also like the information that was provided. This topic is something I will be keeping my eye on.
